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Tag Archives: mental health

  1. Abortion & Mental Health: How Abortion Access Improves Mental Quality

    Abortion & mental health Abortion & Mental Health: Exploring the Connection The decision to have an abortion is deeply personal and can have profound effects on one’s life. The relationship between abortion and mental health is vital in any discussion about it. Research has shown that access to abortion services does not affect mental health,…

  2. How Anti-Choice Tactics Create Abortion Trauma

    How Anti-Choice Tactics Create Abortion Trauma Spend enough time outside your local abortion clinic, and you’ll see them: protesters, most of them men, holding signs of supposedly aborted fetuses. They plead with women to not abort their “babies.” They offer the laughable support of baby clothes, but never offer real financial assistance or express a…

  3. Even More Evidence That Abortion Doesn’t Undermine Mental Health

    Yet another study has demonstrated that abortion doesn’t harm women’s mental health. Women who can’t get abortions, however, do suffer mental health issues. State legislatures continue to claim otherwise. Some have even forced doctors to lie to women about abortion’s effects. To learn about the study, read our Daily Kos post here Even More Evidence…

  4. How the Trump Election is Undermining Mental Health

    Donald Trump’s election send progressives across the country into a state of shock. A Trump presidency is more than just a devastating loss. It puts lives in danger. Research shows that his win is already undermining the national mental health. And because Trump and his ilk care little for public health, they’ll likely gut mental…



  • SCOTUS Temporarily Allows Emergency Abortion Care in Idaho
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 27, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President and CEO of National Abortion Federation: The Supreme Court had the chance to affirm the federal protections of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), yet they chose instead to merely delay the case on procedural grounds. Let’s be clear: it is the bare… […]
  • Reflecting on the Two-Year Anniversary of the Dobbs Decision
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 24, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President and CEO of National Abortion Federation: Two years ago, the Supreme Court struck down our constitutional right to abortion and opened the doors for states to ban abortion. While Roe v. Wade did not go far enough to protect access to abortion, its overturning has allowed anti-abortion… […]