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Monthly Archives: February, 2017

  1. Greater Abortion Access, Fewer Abortion Regulations Save Lives

    As states across the nation move to constrain women’s abortion rights, U.S. maternal mortality continues to rise. The trend stands in contrast to other nations, which has seen sharp drops in deaths during and after pregnancy. Republican’s haven’t made a peep about the upswing in maternal mortality. They have, however, moved to increase it by…

  2. Indiana Bill Promotes Misleading, Potentially Harmful ‘Abortion Reversal’

    An Indiana House committee has narrowly approved legislation of an Indiana Bill that Promotes Misleading, Potentially Harmful ‘Abortion Reversal’ — requiring providers to tell women about so-called “abortion reversal.” Women seeking to reverse a chemical abortion may seek injections of progesterone, a hormone that supports a number of chemical changes during the first trimester of…

  3. Four State-Level Abortion Restrictions That Could Go to the Supreme Court

    President Trump is a direct threat to abortion rights, particularly if he gets more than one Supreme Court nominee. An end to Roe vs. Wade would send abortion back to the states. Women’s access to abortions would then depend on geography. So will abortion make it to the Supreme Court? And will the wrong case…

  4. Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch Abortion

    Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch abortion. Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch Abortion – He has never ruled on abortion. So what does the nominee believe about choice? He ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby in the landmark decision about access to contraceptives. His other rulings point to a staunchly conservative judge. Learn more with…



  • SCOTUS Temporarily Allows Emergency Abortion Care in Idaho
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 27, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President and CEO of National Abortion Federation: The Supreme Court had the chance to affirm the federal protections of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), yet they chose instead to merely delay the case on procedural grounds. Let’s be clear: it is the bare… […]
  • Reflecting on the Two-Year Anniversary of the Dobbs Decision
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 24, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President and CEO of National Abortion Federation: Two years ago, the Supreme Court struck down our constitutional right to abortion and opened the doors for states to ban abortion. While Roe v. Wade did not go far enough to protect access to abortion, its overturning has allowed anti-abortion… […]