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Category Archives: Reproductive Freedom

  1. Dr. Ford, Patriot and Hero, Tries To Save Us All

    Five women have now accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual abuse. Yet just 32% of Americans say they believe her. Why is the collective voice of five women less important than the impotent denials of one man? Why We Still Don’t Believe Women About Sexual Assault In 2014, Bill Cosby’s first accuser came forward. Cosby had…

  2. Dr. Warren Hern Acceptance Speech 2018 Faith & Freedom Award

    Dr. Warren Hern Acceptance Speech 2018 Faith & Freedom Award Presented at the Faith and Freedom Awards Ceremony Religious Coalition for Reproductive Rights. Temple Emanuel, Denver, May 3, 2018 Read Dr. Warren Hern’s Acceptance Speech for 2018 Faith and Freedom Award below. RELIGION, POWER AND REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM: A Checkered History of Conflict Thank you for inviting…

  3. 5 Abortion Pill Facts You Probably Don’t Know

    The abortion pill makes up about a quarter of all abortions. When scientific evidence highlighted the safety of the pill in 2016, the FDA relaxed guidelines. So the popularity of the abortion pill will likely continue to increase. This pill is a favorite talking point for right wing anti-choice activists. That’s likely because it makes…

  4. 5 Ways to Get Help to Pay for an Abortion

    5 Ways to Get Help to Pay for an Abortion Thanks to the Hyde Amendment, there’s no federal public funding for abortion. Anti-choice activists laud this as a pro-life outcome. But when women can’t afford abortions, they wait longer. This can lead to a lengthier and costlier procedure later in the pregnancy. That’s an outcome…

  5. Three New State Abortion Laws to Watch

    Anti-choice zealots know they’re about to have another friend on the Supreme Court. They’re rolling out new state abortion laws at a dizzying pace. Laws that are clearly illegal under Roe vs. Wade are actually a great strategy. That’s because these regulations have a good chance of winding their way to the Supreme Court, potentially reversing…

  6. Five (More) Things You Can Do to Fight Back Against Anti-Choice Zealots

    In December, when the election of Donald Trump still felt like a nightmare, we offered five strategies to fight anti-choice laws and rhetoric. Now that President Trump is a frightening reality, it’s more important than ever to defend choice. The battle might seem like a losing one, but Trump and his administration specialize in demoralization….



  • SCOTUS Temporarily Allows Emergency Abortion Care in Idaho
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 27, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President and CEO of National Abortion Federation: The Supreme Court had the chance to affirm the federal protections of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), yet they chose instead to merely delay the case on procedural grounds. Let’s be clear: it is the bare… […]
  • Reflecting on the Two-Year Anniversary of the Dobbs Decision
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 24, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President and CEO of National Abortion Federation: Two years ago, the Supreme Court struck down our constitutional right to abortion and opened the doors for states to ban abortion. While Roe v. Wade did not go far enough to protect access to abortion, its overturning has allowed anti-abortion… […]