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Abortion Clinic Spotlight: Houston Women’s Clinic TX

Houston Women's Clinic TX - abortion clinic in Houston, Texas

Houston Women’s Clinic Tx


If you or someone you care about is considering terminating a pregnancy, rest assured you are not alone. It is such a personal, private decision; you don’t want to share with everyone. So, where do you turn for help and honest information? The best thing you can do is educate yourself. As you research clinics, you will find that not all clinics are alike. Be sure to ask lots of questions, and trust your feelings. We believe you deserve the best care available.

Our Professional Staff

Our staff at Houston Women’s Clinic TX is specially trained to provide supportive counseling that respects your choice. By providing individual, personalized care, we take time with each patient. Counseling is on an individual basis, not in a group, because we respect your right to privacy and confidentiality.

Why Choose Us?

The Houston Women’s Clinic is among the best abortion clinics in Houston, and Dr. Rosenfeld is where Houston doctors have always been referring their patients since 1976 . Read our patient testimonials to compare.

Note: Abortion fees vary from clinic to clinic, state-to-state. Abortion fees are primarily based on the length of pregnancy, anesthesia choices and other variables. You should contact the individual clinic directly for pricing and whether or not you qualify for discounts or financial help.

ACOL is a paid directory, therefore some clinics may not be listed. Read our About Us page if you’re not sure where to go for an abortion or what to ask for.

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