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Is abortion still legal?

Abortion Access – All sides of the issue

Abortion Access: All Sides of the Issue by Bruce Robinson provides statistics and detailed information about abortion.

Is abortion still legal?Robinson found “abortion” to be a very active topic on the Internet. In his findings, he found Google to have over 1.3 billion hits for “pro-life” and over 400 million hits for “pro-choice” as of May 2014.

The 3 main types of abortion related sites covered the following:

  1. 638 million Google searches referenced “pro-life” in August 2014. Pro-life sites are solely dedicated to BANNING abortions.
  2. 154 million Google searches referenced “pro-choice” in August 2013. Pro-choice sites are dedicated to maintaining FREE ACCESS to abortions under most or all situations.
  3. A mere handful of neutral educational sites were found on the internet. These type of websites are dedicated to providing information and educating women — helping them to reach their own decision about abortion.

ReligiousTolerance.org is an educational site that gives a woman all points of views on all abortion-related topics. They provide provide both pro-life and pro-choice beliefs.

Their website and the information they provide will help you to fully understand a whatpro-choicers” believe and why they believe it. And, what “pro-lifers” believe and why they believe in pro-life.

Their website covers the following topics:

  1. Abortion decision making
  2. Abortion access
  3. Pregnancy prevention

Both the Religious Tolerance organization and ACOL team strongly agree that all women considering an abortion should be fully informed. Their decision-making should be, as free as possible, from outside manipulation from friends and family members.

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