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How to Get a Telehealth Abortion Through the Mail

How to Get a Telehealth Abortion Through the Mail

The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare how catastrophic an unintended pregnancy can be. Women are leaving the workforce in record numbers, with overall workforce participation plummeting to 1980s levels. Rather than developing programs to support families, though, politicians across the country have used the pandemic as an excuse to further limit abortion access. Telehealth abortion, however, offers a viable option even in states with restrictive abortion laws, and even to pregnant people who do not feel safe going to a clinic during a pandemic. Here’s what you need to know about getting a medication abortion through the mail. 

Telehealth Abortion is Safe 

Getting an abortion through the mail or via telehealth might seem like a strange idea. But abortion is an extremely low risk medical procedure, particularly in the first weeks of pregnancy. In fact, abortion is exponentially safer than remaining pregnant, particularly as the maternal mortality crisis intensifies. 

Research shows that telehealth abortions are safe. Pregnant people can competently manage their own abortions at home, on their own terms, without fighting through a line of clinic protesters or waiting all day in a busy waiting room. Some abortion clinics now offer telehealth abortions, offering the same competent management over the phone that you would get in an abortion clinic. 

State-Level Abortion Restrictions Target Medication Abortion 

Anti-choice politicians know that pregnant people will always find a way around restrictions, which is why they are always trying to stay one step ahead. Numerous states now restrict medication abortion via telehealth. Texas, which just enacted the nation’s most restrictive abortion law, is now working to ban telehealth abortions, in a clear attempt to eliminate all reproductive choice and close all Texas abortion clinics

So it’s important to know your state’s laws. It’s also important to know that there’s usually a workaround. You might have pills sent to a friend in a nearby state, then head to that friend’s house for a weekend visit. And if you’re lucky enough to live on the border of two states, you can just get a PO box in a neighboring state that allows abortion. Telehealth abortion services offer more opportunities to work around anti-choice laws. Learn how to get a Telehealth Abortion through the mail by contacting a clinic or a provider.

Accessing Telehealth Abortion

A telehealth abortion might be as simple as contacting your local abortion clinic. If your local abortion clinic doesn’t offer telehealth services, a number of providers have stepped in to fill the gap. Check out the following options: 

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