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March 10th is National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day.

Abortion Provider Appreciation Day

Celebrating Abortion Provider Appreciation Day, March 10th

We are moved by the ways that abortion care providers tend to others and make it possible for people to grow and bloom. Independent abortion clinics are rooted in their communities — they are resilient and adaptable, and we are in awe of all the ways they weather storms in order to provide care.

Abortion providers work incredibly hard all year. Independent abortion care providers refuse to back down in the face of restrictions, harassment, and political interference — but they need your support to keep their doors open.

You can celebrate abortion providers by donating to independent clinics at Keep Our Clinics – all proceeds go to independent clinics.

These courageous, compassionate providers change lives every day of the year — and because of that, we hope you’ll join us today, March 10th to #CelebrateAbortionProviders.

If you didn’t already know … access to abortion care is under threat. In the last six years, over 135 abortion clinics have been forced to close their doors – greatly diminishing access to essential health care in our country.

These independent providers also lack the institutional support, visibility, name recognition, and fundraising capacity of national health centers and hospitals, making it especially difficult for the community-based providers to garner the resources they need and provide care in their communities.

Independent clinics have always faced challenges and over time the amount of restrictions and barriers have continued to grow. Amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic, access to care is in greater jeopardy while the needs of our communities are only growing.

Please Donate – https://keepourclinics.org/donate/

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