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What Paperwork Do I Need to Have an Abortion?

The Supreme Court has ruled that abortions before viability–sometime in the second trimester–are a Constitutional right. Yet you’ll still need certain paperwork to get an abortion. The specific paperwork you need to have an abortion depends on the state where you live, since different states have enacted different abortion restrictions. So your best option is to call the abortion clinic you have chosen and ask what you’ll need to bring. Here’s what you’ll probably need to have on hand.

Photo Identification

In most cases, you’ll need a photo identification that is not expired, such as a driver’s license or state-issued photo ID. If you do not have identification, call the clinic and ask what alternative identification forms they might accept. Some clinics will take a combination of non-photo IDs.

Student ID

You do not need a student ID, or even to disclose that you are a student, to get an abortion. However, some clinics offer discounts to current students, so consider asking about this option.

Insurance Card

Insurance pays for abortions in certain circumstances. If you intend to seek insurance coverage, you will need to have your insurance card ready. In some cases, you will need to seek pre-authorization from your insurer, so call ahead.

Medical Records

People who are healthy and those who have uncomplicated pregnancies do not need medical records to get an abortion, although you may still have to answer a few questions about your health. If you have a medically complicated pregnancy, you may need information about your pregnancy, or clearance from your doctor or midwife. And if you have chronic medical conditions, you may need recent lab work to show that it is safe for you to have surgery.

Need help finding a safe and compassionate abortion clinic? We can connect you to the right doctor. Begin your search here.



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