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Tag Archives: spotting

  1. Could Bleeding Between Periods Mean I’m Pregnant?

    Almost all women experience spotting between periods at least once during their lives. One study found that in a given year, the average woman’s period varies in length by 9 days, which can make it really difficult to determine whether bleeding is your period, spotting, or something else. If you’re concerned about becoming pregnant, though,…



  • Arizona Repeals Near-Total Abortion Ban
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 3, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President  & CEO of the National Abortion Federation I am thrilled that Arizona’s governor signed the bill to repeal the state’s Civil War-era, near-total abortion ban, and incredibly grateful to all the abortion advocates whose righteous rage pressured lawmakers into repealing this horrific ban. As a… […]
  • Supreme Court Hears Case About Emergency Access to Abortion Care
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 24, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Today, the Supreme Court of the United States hears arguments in Idaho v. United States and Moyle v. United States, concerning the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) in yet another case that could have a major effect on abortion access. Below is a statement from the CEO of the National Abortion Federation… […]