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Tag Archives: SB8

  1. Texans Seeking Abortion Overwhelm Other States

    Since a sleepy Supreme Court decided to punt on upholding precedent and let the onerous Texas SB8 (Senate Bill 8) become law in Texas last week, Texas women have swamped the abortion clinics (find abortionclinics.com) in surrounding states. Therefore, Texans seeking abortion overwhelm other states because they have no other choice. The preciseness of the…



  • Supreme Court Hears Case About Emergency Access to Abortion Care
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 24, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Today, the Supreme Court of the United States hears arguments in Idaho v. United States and Moyle v. United States, concerning the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) in yet another case that could have a major effect on abortion access. Below is a statement from the CEO of the National Abortion Federation… […]
  • Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Case that Threatens Access to Mifepristone
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 26, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President & CEO of the National Abortion Federation on today’s arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court: Access to safe, effective medication abortion care is essential to ensuring people can make decisions about their bodies and lives based on what’s best for their individual circumstances. This case… […]