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Tag Archives: crisis pregnancy centers

  1. Fake Abortion Clinics: How to Detect Them, What to Do About Them

    Fake Abortion Clinics: How to Detect Them, What to Do About Them August 31st, 2017 | Posted in Abortion Access | No Comments So-called crisis pregnancy centers peddle in disinformation. They capitalize on the fear and vulnerability of women considering abortion, and pressure them into a decision with life-altering consequences. Anti-choicers argue that these crisis…

  2. What is a Fake Clinic or Fake Abortion Clinics?

    If you’re looking to have an abortion, be sure you contact a REAL abortion clinic and not a #FakeClinic (Fake Clinic or fake abortion clinics). Abortion Clinics Online is an online directory by Founder, Ann Rose that helps you and others find a REAL abortion clinic. Start your search here for a reputable abortion clinic, doctor,…

  3. Republicans Believe in Life Before Birth and After Death, But NOT In Between

    Republicans Believe in Life Before Birth and After Death, But NOT In Between Seventeen children died in yet another school shooting this week. The Republican Party that cares only about children before they are born has done nothing to stop more kids from dying. Instead, their focus on forcing women to birth babies they do…

  4. Fake Abortion Clinics: How to Detect Them, What to Do About Them

    So-called crisis pregnancy centers peddle in disinformation. They capitalize on the fear and vulnerability of women considering abortion, and pressure them into a decision with life-altering consequences. Anti-choicers argue that these crisis pregnancy centers offer a viable alternative to abortion. Yet research consistently shows that they offer false, and even potentially harmful information. Women visiting…

  5. Why Do Anti-Choicers Keep Lying About Abortion?

    Anti-choice extremists continue to lie to women about the effects of abortion, suggesting that morality has little to do with their movement. These lies are especially prevalent at so-called crisis pregnancy centers. Crisis pregnancy centers draw desperate women in with promises of free reproductive health care and pregnancy tests, then subject them to an onslaught…



  • SCOTUS Temporarily Allows Emergency Abortion Care in Idaho
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 27, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President and CEO of National Abortion Federation: The Supreme Court had the chance to affirm the federal protections of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), yet they chose instead to merely delay the case on procedural grounds. Let’s be clear: it is the bare… […]
  • Reflecting on the Two-Year Anniversary of the Dobbs Decision
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 24, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President and CEO of National Abortion Federation: Two years ago, the Supreme Court struck down our constitutional right to abortion and opened the doors for states to ban abortion. While Roe v. Wade did not go far enough to protect access to abortion, its overturning has allowed anti-abortion… […]