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Pro-Choice Post-Abortion Support

How to Get Pro-Choice Post-Abortion Support

Abortion is many different things to many different people. For some, it’s a minor medical procedure they never think about again. For others, it’s a difficult but important decision so we’ve listed ideas about how to get pro-choice post-abortion support if you need it.

The most common emotion women feel after having an abortion continues to be relief–even 5 years later. Abortion regret is rare, and it is a myth that abortion causes post-abortion syndrome.

That doesn’t mean abortion is always easy. It can even be traumatic, especially in difficult circumstances–such as when a person terminates a wanted pregnancy for medical reasons, suffers post-abortion complications, or when a person feels stigmatized or judged for their abortion decision. The challenge is that most organizations that cater to women struggling with abortion operate from the assumption that abortion is wrong, women often regret it, and pain after abortion is a sign of post-abortion regret.

None of these things is true. An abortion can be the right choice and a traumatic choice. It can be a painful choice and an empowering choice. So what are your options for getting the support you need if you’re struggling with your decision? We recommend these paths:

  • Pro-choice therapy: Consider seeking out an explicitly feminist, pro-choice therapist. Belief in choice requires also the belief that sometimes people struggle with their choices. Choosing a pro-choice therapist means you can get judgment-free support to make peace with your abortion. Contact Charlotte Taft of Before & After Abortion Counseling she offers pro-choice post-abortion support.
  • Exhale Pro Voice: Exhale is a judgment-free talk and text hotline for people who have had abortions or are considering abortions. Get help when you need it, completely anonymously. Exhale can also refer you to pro-choice support options in your community.
  • Empty Arms: Empty Arms offers support for people who have terminated a pregnancy for medical reasons.
  • Share: Share is a pregnancy and infant loss support organization that offers help and support to people who have terminated a pregnancy for medical reasons, including via its hotline and online support groups.
  • Planned Parenthood: Your local Planned Parenthood may offer post-abortion counseling services for free or at a steep discount.

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