Abortion Clinics Near Me

Hagerstown Reproductive Health Services

Hagerstown Reproductive Health Services – Member of NAF

  • Abortion Pill up to 10 weeks
  • Procedure Abortion up to 15 weeks, 3 days
  • Funding Assistance / Maryland Medical Assistance
  • Spanish Speaking Staff

Hagerstown Reproductive Health Services abortion clinic in Hagerstown, Maryland

Potomac Family Planning Center - abortion clinics in MarylandWe are inspected and licensed by the State of Maryland. The clinic is in a convenient and easy to find location in Hagerstown, Maryland. Our doctors are experienced gynecologists who specialize in women’s health. The doctors are supported by a team of registered nurses, counselors and medical assistants all of whom are dedicated to providing exceptional care in a compassionate respectful setting.

The range of abortion services includes abortion by pill or medical abortion as well as in-clinic abortion under local anesthesia. Second trimester abortions are offered to approximately 15 weeks from the last period and require only one visit.

The facility is accredited by the National Abortion Federation.


For more than 30 years, women from Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia have traveled to Hagerstown MD for abortion and birth control care.


We know how difficult it is to make a decision about an unplanned pregnancy. Often women feel there is no one who could understand what they are feeling. We want to help you find the option you think is best.

Just pick up the phone and call 301- 733-2400 or 1-800-773-9140 and our experienced phone counselors will assist you. Our phones are open Monday through Saturday and we can usually schedule you quickly.

On the day of your appointment eat lightly. Your guest is welcome but please make childcare arrangements as small children are not allowed.


Payment is made by cash or credit/debit card. We regret we cannot accept personal checks. We participate with Maryland and West Virginia Medical Assistance, but patients must arrange and have this approved in advance.

Abortion fees include pregnancy test, lab work, ultrasound, antibiotic prescription, birth control pills and a follow up visit. LMP = Last Menstrual Period.

First and Mid-Trimester Abortion

Length of Pregnancy
thru 12w3d LMP $430
thru 13w3d LMP $490
thru 14w3d LMP $550
thru 15w3d LMP $700


Abortion by Pill (Medical Abortion RU 486)

Available up to 10 weeks LMP $430


If you have a negative blood type you will require Rhogam.

Up to 12 weeks LMP $50
13 weeks and above $100

Fees are subject to change. Please call the clinic to verify fees.


  • In-clinic abortion from approximately 5 to 15 weeks from the first day of the last period under local anesthesia
  • Medical Abortion or Abortion by Pill (RU 486)
  • Sensitive Care for Fetal Abnormality Cases
  • Sonograms
  • Free Walk-In Pregnancy Testing
  • Early Pregnancy Testing
  • Birth Control Shot (Depo Provera)
  • Birth Control Couseling

Our highly trained team is composed of experienced gynecologists, registered nurses, counselors and medical assistants who specialize in understanding the unique needs of women seeking abortion services. We know what a difficult and complex decision this is for you. Our goal is to see you through your decision, whatever that may be, in a helpful and understanding way.

Hagerstown Reproductive Health Services is accredited by the National Abortion Federation (“NAF”).


In-clinic abortion is a commonly performed surgery with a very low rate of complication. Most women are back to their normal activities the next day.

At Hagerstown Reproductive Health Services, all abortions are performed by a licensed gynecologist with more than 25 years of experience. Abortions are performed from approximately 5 weeks from the last menstrual period (LMP) to approximately 15 weeks LMP. The abortion procedure uses instruments to open the cervix and vacuum aspiration (suction) and instruments to empty the uterus. It takes 5 to 10 minutes depending on the length of the pregnancy.

Prior to the surgery we will take a full health history, pregnancy test and blood work. You will receive an exam and ultrasound when needed to determine the length of your pregnancy. Before the surgery you will meet privately with a counselor who will explain the procedure, review your after-care instructions, give you an antibiotic, discuss birth control and answer all of your questions. During the surgery a clinician will be with you at all times and she will accompany you to the recovery room where a registered nurse will monitor your progress and discharge you.

Local anesthesia is the administration of lidocaine into the cervix which reduces some discomfort. You will be given oral pain medication prior to the surgery but you will remain completely awake and should expect cramping during and immediately after the procedure. Have a light meal before your appointment. You are able to drive yourself home after the procedure.


Abortion by pill is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy by using medicine. You must be at least 18 years of age to receive a medical abortion.

This non-surgical process may be used up to 10 weeks from the last period.

On the day of your appointment you will receive an ultrasound and laboratory work.

You will be given materials to read.

A counselor will meet with you to review all instructions, give you your medications and answer your questions.

You’ll meet with the doctor and then take the first pill (Mifeprex) in the office. Within 48 hours you will use the second pills (Misoprostol) at home. The combination of the two medicines will cause you to bleed and in most cases end the pregnancy within a few hours of using the second medicine at home.

You’ll return in one to two weeks to make sure everything worked properly.

The pill has a small rate of failure. If surgery or additional medicine is required to complete the process, there is no extra charge if performed in our office.

Learn here about Fake Clinics – Crisis Pregnancy Centers – https://www.abortionclinics.com/crisis-pregnancy-centers/



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