Abortion Clinics Near Me

Blue Mountain Clinic

Blue Mountain Clinic – Member of NAF and ACN

  • Abortion Pill up to 10 weeks
  • Procedure Abortion up to 16 weeks
  • Mild Sedation
  • Financial Assistance

Blue Mountain Clinic abortion clinic in Missoula, Montana

Blue Mountain Clinic Family Practice - abortion clinic in Missoula, MontanaBlue Mountain Clinic provides patient-centered, family practice and primary care services to the local community through a choice based perspective. We believe that choices in any health care decision should be met with dignity in a supportive environment. Blue Mountain Clinic strives to provide feminist based approaches to health care, education, and advocacy in the region. Essential activities to fulfill this mission require visible advocacy on the local level to improve policies that have a negative impact on patient’s economic and political access to health care.

Located in Missoula, MT, since 1977, Blue Mountain Clinic has provided women with a comfortable, respectful environment to access safe and legal abortion

At Blue Mountain Clinic, we trust in a person’s decisions. With a staff of clinicians and counselors, we provide understanding and top-quality abortion care to people from all across the Northwest United States. We understand that every patient has individualized needs, and we strive to work with you to provide services that are right for you. Abortion services are no different- as each woman experiences abortion differently, a surgical or medical abortion may be more appropriate considering her circumstances, needs and comfort. We are able to offer all of the following options in our clinic, in Missoula, MT.

  • An outpatient, “in clinic” procedure that uses dilation and evacuation with aspiration.  The doctor numbs the cervix, and gently opens it through dilation.  Aspriation is then used to empty the uterus.
  • While abortion is legal up to 22-24 weeks, at BMC we provide “in clinic” services for patients 5-16 weeks pregnant.
  • We offer a mild sedative at patient’s request. Please note: You will need to have a driver  after the procedure if you are administered the sedative.
  • Worried you are more than 16 weeks? The friendly staff at BMC can help direct you to services that can assist you.

What is an Abortion Procedure like?

  • Everyperson experiences abortion differently- mentally, physically and spiritually.
  • During the procedure, many people report to have experienced cramping similar to that of a heavy period – some report to have very little discomfort at all.
  • After the procedure, patient dress’s themselves and walk to an aftercare room where a nurse monitors the patient, answers any questions and gives instructions for self care in the coming weeks.
  • A medication, or medical abortion, terminates an early pregnancy with medications instead of the “in clinic” (or surgical) procedure.
  • RU 486 was approved by the FDA in 2000, and has been used to terminate early pregnancy in Europe since the early 1990s.
  • RU 486 should NOT be confused with the morning after pill or emergency contraception. For more information on the morning after pill, click HERE.
  • At BMC medical abortions can be administered to women up to 10 weeks since their LMP or last menstrual period.

How do Medical Abortions work?

  • A medical abortion involves the use of two separate medications, Mifepristone and Misoprostol. The process is similar to a miscarriage.
  • The first, Mifepristone, is taken at the clinic before 70 days from the last menstrual period. This drug blocks the production of progesterone, the hormone essential in maintaining a pregnancy.
  • Within 6 to 72 hours after taking Mifepristone, clients take another drug called Misoprostol at home. Misoprostol is used to soften and open the cervix, and induce uterine contractions, thereby expelling the pregnancy.
  • Most women will complete the abortion within 24 hours of using the second medication.
  • Abortion using Mifepristone and Misoprostol is about 95% effective in ending a pregnancy. A woman must be willing to consent to a surgical completion if this method fails.

What you can expect during a Medical Abortion: 

  • Women who choose medical abortion should expect bleeding and cramping- sometimes for many hours.
  • Bleeding and cramping are EXPECTED effects of the medications. Don’t be alarmed!
  • While there are no systemic side effects of Mifepristone, some women report experiencing: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, chills and dizziness with Misoprostol.
  • These side effects are usually resolved within 24 hours of using Misoprostol.
  • There are no long term side effects of either medication.

Why do some Women Choose Medical Abortion? Is it still Abortion?

A medical abortion is still abortion, and is no less of an elective termination of pregnancy. Additionally, women need to be aware that the medications do not magically make the pregnancy disappear, and the process of having a miscarriage can be painful and intense.

Most women who choose medical abortion over surgical report did so for the following reasons:

  • To avoid surgery
  • To have more control over the process, and complete the procedure in the privacy of home. We recommend that all women choosing medical abortion have a supportive person who can remain with them throughout the process.

Learn here about Fake Clinics – Crisis Pregnancy Centers – https://www.abortionclinics.com/crisis-pregnancy-centers/



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