Abortion Clinics Near Me

Posts by Gabi Theard

  1. Abortion vs. Miscarriage: What’s the difference?

    Abortion vs. Miscarriage.   How to Differentiate between Abortion and Miscarriage When discussing matters related to reproductive health, it is essential to know the distinction between abortion and miscarriage. These both entail the termination of a pregnancy, though they happen under different circumstances with distinct medical and emotional consequences. What is an Abortion? A Definition…

  2. Abortion FAQs

    Abortion FAQs The topic of abortion can be intricate and often misunderstood. Below are some abortion FAQs (frequently asked questions) about abortion with simple answers that will help you understand the process, your rights, and what to expect. What is an abortion? An abortion is a medical procedure used to terminate pregnancy. It has two…

  3. Abortion & Mental Health: How Abortion Access Improves Mental Quality

    Abortion & mental health Abortion & Mental Health: Exploring the Connection The decision to have an abortion is deeply personal and can have profound effects on one’s life. The relationship between abortion and mental health is vital in any discussion about it. Research has shown that access to abortion services does not affect mental health,…

  4. Best Time For A Pregnancy Test After Intercourse

    Best Time For A Pregnancy Test After Intercourse It is essential to know when to take a pregnancy test after intercourse so that accurate results can be obtained, particularly in cases of considering abortion. There are guidelines below on when to do a pregnancy test and what to consider for accuracy. Pregnancy Tests: The Basics…

  5. Minors and Abortion: How It Works By State

    The intricacy of the legislative framework for minors seeking abortion in the United States is quite diverse across states. This is because there are complex regulations that can be put into place. Young people must understand these laws and meet all the rules from different states. Minors and Abortion: Less Restrictive States New Mexico: No…

  6. The Abortion Pill and PCOS: Comprehensive Guide

    The Abortion Pill and PCOS. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common hormonal disorder among women in their childbearing age. Women affected by the condition have symptoms such as menstrual irregularity, ovarian cysts, and hormonal imbalances. These symptoms can affect conception and also influence medical abortion procedures. To conduct a safe and effective procedure, it is…

  7. Breaking Abortion Laws: Legal Consequences for Patients and Providers

    Breaking Abortion Laws. Due to the increasingly restrictive nature of abortion laws across different states, the ramifications for patients and healthcare providers who break these laws can be complicated or severe. Knowing the legal landscape, state-specific variations, and what evidence one would need in order to prosecute is vital for anyone involved in reproductive health…

  8. High-Risk Pregnancies and Abortion: Navigating Laws

    High-Risk Pregnancies and Abortion When it comes to proving the need for an abortion due to fetal anomalies or maternal health risks, each state has its requirements that must be met. This includes what proofs are enough and what documents one needs to comply with the state’s rules. High-Risk Pregnancies and Abortion Requirements – Verification:…

  9. Incest and Abortion: Guide into Options and Legal Aspects

    Incest and abortion. Dealing with a pregnancy as a result of incest is an undeniably difficult issue, and it is not something that anybody should ever experience. However, it’s important to note that you do have options and rights when it comes to ending the pregnancy. This article plans to guide you on how to…

  10. Abortion and Sexual Assault: A Complete Guide to Accessing Care

    Abortion and Sexual Assault.  If you became pregnant from a sexual assault, you may be thinking about abortion. This is an extremely difficult situation that no one should ever have to experience. You have options and rights when it comes to terminating the pregnancy. This post will explain how to obtain proof and where to…



  • SCOTUS Temporarily Allows Emergency Abortion Care in Idaho
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 27, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President and CEO of National Abortion Federation: The Supreme Court had the chance to affirm the federal protections of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), yet they chose instead to merely delay the case on procedural grounds. Let’s be clear: it is the bare… […]
  • Reflecting on the Two-Year Anniversary of the Dobbs Decision
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 24, 2024Contact: naf@berlinrosen.com Statement from Brittany Fonteno, President and CEO of National Abortion Federation: Two years ago, the Supreme Court struck down our constitutional right to abortion and opened the doors for states to ban abortion. While Roe v. Wade did not go far enough to protect access to abortion, its overturning has allowed anti-abortion… […]