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Abortion Clinics Online in Ms. Magazine

Abortion Clinics Online in Ms. Magazine

First-Ever Abortion Clinic Directory Celebrates 25 Years of Service

Abortion Clinics Online—the first abortion clinic directory—celebrates 25 years of service, despite legal restrictions, court battles and anti-abortion terrorism.

This year, Abortion Clinics Online announces its 25th anniversary of continuous service. Through its online directory and hotline, Abortion Clinics Online directs women to reputable abortion clinics and continues to fight back against fake clinics.

The site first went live in September 1995, as GynPages.com—at a time when the internet was a new world. (Just 14 percent of Americans had an internet connection!) The National Abortion Federation and Planned Parenthood did not yet have websites. At its height, Abortion Clinics Online had about half of the country’s abortion clinics listed.

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Abortion Clinics Online Ms. Magazine


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